Vol. 10, Number 3, 2014

Ievgeniia Garkusheva
Review and guidelines of city improvement by example of the city of Makiyivka 
Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture
Abstract. In this article I concerned myself with the guidelines and indicators of the Program of Economic and Social Development of the city of Makiyivka for the year 2013; the current actual problems of an industrial city improvement were revealed. The level of architectural environment accessibility in the cities and towns of Ukraine was studied. The deficiencies of the Program of improvement of the city of Makiyivka was carried out and a number of actions for improving the quality of city environment by creating a barrier-less environment for low-mobile people was suggested.
Keywords: improvement, barrier-less environment, quality of city environment, barrier-less architecture.

Tetiana Savelieva
Directions for improving capital management 
Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture
Abstract. Article is devoted to general theoretical approach to system capital management company, highlights the major approaches to the definition of the category of «capital», formed in the course of its historical development. Capital as an economic category, which has long been known, has received new content in market conditions. Capital in the process of its operation ensures the interests of the state, the owners and staff, and characterizes the overall cost of funds in cash, tangible and intangible forms, invested in the formation of its assets. Determined that there is no single optimal capital structure not only for different companies, but even for a single enterprise at different stages of its development. Scientific thought has not yet developed a universal definition of capital, which would meet the needs of both theory and practice. Stresses that the effectiveness of the company largely depends on the level of money management system, which is a necessary attribute of business activity – from inception to liquidation or reorganization. Capital management enterprise in modern conditions may reflect a concept that is a system of evidence-based guidelines.
Keywords: capital, historical review, the circuit of capital formation, use, enterprise, efficiency, management, strategy, integrated system.

Zoia Skarbun, Natalia Nagorskaya
Performance analysis and ways of solving housing problems of cities in Donetsk region (for example, the city of Mariupol) 
Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture
Abstract. The paper analyzes the effectiveness of housing-public utilities of cities in Donetsk region. The main problems of the communal sector and describes possible ways to overcome them. Research on the topic of housing-communal services Mariupol, will assess the state of public utility services in the city, identify priority areas for development and the need to implement energy saving measures. Rate financial-investment attractiveness of utilities and indicate the main ways of their receipt.
Keywords: housing-utilities, associations of condominiums, finance, resource, energy consumption, efficiency, public-private partnerships, economic effect.

Elena Shelikhova, Dmitriy Zaharchenko
Directions of perfection of estimated pricing in modern conditions 
Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture
Abstract. The article deals with the European standards for structural design. The analysis of pricing systems that are used in the world. The main differences between the pricing system in Ukraine and Russia. Reveal deficiencies that occur in different pricing system. Presents the factors that affect the quality of the estimate cost of construction. Sets out ways of improving the system used the estimated pricing. Suggestions of authors that will optimize the timing of making estimates and improve its quality.
Keywords: pricing methods, European building standards, construction cost indices, the price index, the actual work, payroll overhead, profit estimates.

Helen Volskaya
Theoretical views on the development of management science: first stage 
Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture
Abstract. The article examines different theoretical perspectives on management science. The whole process of management is divided into three stages: nucleation control stage of formation control, the appearance of stage management and application of theoretical principles of management in practice. Management considers achievements of ancient peoples: Sumerians, Egyptians, Greeks. Studied the works of ancient Greek philosophers Plato and Aristotle, in these works showed signs of modern public administration. Also in the article we analyze the works of Machiavelli «The Emperor», T. Mora «Utopia», Hobbes «Leviathan». The article concludes that these materials do not cover all the events and dates that somehow characterize the process of accumulation of knowledge in the field of management. This work allows to some extent to make an idea of what to look for in the very early stages of development of ancient art and modern science – management.
Keywords: management, the history of management, the process of establishing governance, principles of management, control functions.