Vol. 3, Number 2, 2007

V. Logvinenko, V. Doroshenko  
Formation of the program of a large city heat supply development 
Donbass National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture
Abstract. One of the leading problems of reformation and further development of housing and communal services in Ukraine is an improvement of thermal-transfer systems. The article deals with the analysis of the problems of a centralized heat supply of larger cities; there is suggested the program of reforming and developing a city heat supply on the base of the concept of a gradual transition to a mass flat-by-flat heat supply of the housing available, an independent heat supply of the objects of the community and consumer facilities and industrial sphere. The given recommendations on the formation of the program of heat supply development are based on principles of the state policy of reforming housing and communal services, on a complex and system approaches to heat supply development. The suggested approaches to the formation of the program of heat supply development can become a basis for the development of a typical program of reforming and developing heat supply.
Key words: heat supply, problems of heat supply, program of heat supply development.

N. O. Tarkhanova, T. P. Norkina, S. V. Zuyev
Social aspects of using a labour potential under a market management 
Donbass National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture
Abstract. The article deal with the basic problems of using a labour potential, and directions of the development of strategic plans of defending workers’ social interests have been determined under a transition of Ukraine to the markets relations. This article summarizing a set of researches is devoted to the questions of using the most mass resource under operation – a labour potential. There are analyzed the reasons of undermining the regularities of reproduction of this potential that provide the current survival of the economy and create limitations to its stable development. This process is also considered as well as a disparity of market transformations to the social interests of most workers because they unlike the material factors of production are its conscious and active element. This foreshortening of the labour potential reproduction within the paradigm of reforms is still ignored, though a man nature trampling and taking it to a “reflexing aggregate” fraught with a disintegration of its creative energy and its transformation into social departures.
Key words: labor potential, economic potential, material stimulation, social risk, rent, resources, liberalism, demographic recreation, state paternalistically, export-financial complex

A.Yu. Peretyat’ko, O.M. Taryanyk
A rise in the efficiency of a crisis management policy at heat supply enterprises 
Kharkiv State Technical University of Civil Engineering and Architecture
Abstract. The article deals with the basic specific differences of the housing and communal economy. There are given features of heat supply enterprises among which it is possible to mark out the following: the products of the industry have not a visible material form, they can not be accumulated at stock houses, at every moment a thermal energy production is to meet its consumption volume; the process of making, transmissing and consuming can not be physically parted, it is a continuous one; heat energy is the material and technical basis of operating absolutely all industries of the national economy, and it is also a basis of a human
being way of life. There are considered the problems of heat supply enterprise operation today, namely, an absence of a complex approach to the input of market relations into the housing and communal economy operation, a shortcoming of the normative and legal base, and an inconsistency in making decisions, an insufficient attention of a city governing body to the problem, along with the absence of institutional changes, etc. There are studied the factors influencing the crisis state development at the enterprises of the given industry and the algorithm of realizing the policy of crisis management of an enterprise.
Key words: crisis management, crisis management strategy, crisis management mechanism, crisis development phases, financial state indices, monitoring, diagnostics, financial guidelines

N. A. Rubek
Analysis of modern conceptual approaches to the transaction costs 
Donbass National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture
Abstract. Today, a number of problems caused by market transformations in the Ukrainian economy can be solved having the modern theory as the basis. The author thinks that one of the significant directions of the modern economic theory is institutionalism because just within within this direction there was developed a conceptual device that allows reflecting the essence of the transformation processes. There has been studied a lot of methodological approaches to define transaction costs from the point of view of the institutional theory. The author thinks that the major contribution to the development of the transaction cost theory has been made by such scientific schools as the transaction economy, the economic theory of the property rights, the contract approach. The author comes to the conclusion that among the scientists there is no common opinion concerning the essence of the concept of transaction costs; however in time their viewpoints undergo changes.
Key words: institutionalism, transaction, transaction costs, the Coase theorem, theory of agreements, theory of a public choice

K. V. Bogun, O.S. Saenko, G. S. Kunitsa
Mathematical methods of estimating a city investment appeal 
Donbass National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture
Abstract. Basing on the analysis of the existing methods of estimating a city investment appeal suggested by K.L.Tkachenko, S.Malahovs’ka, L.O.Omelyanovich and O.V. Veretennikova, the authors of the article have advanced methodical tools as to the estimation of a city investment appeal and approved them on the cities of Donetsk area. There are given scientific and practical recommendations on improving the investment processes of a territorial unit. As a basis of the development of the recommendations there was taken a cluster model that means a set of enterprises meeting three criteria: a geographical belonging (an enterprise operates on a certain territory); a technological criterion (the use of a common technological base); vertical integration. As the cluster models has a significant potential of the local economic and social development, it is this model that is the most acceptable variant of the interaction of the enterprises of definite kinds of activity, and that should make the investment processes more active.
Key words: investment appeal, level of city, economic potential, investment activity, cluster model

O. Veretennikova, K. Bogun, A. Marin
A building complex investment on the example of the city of Kiev 
Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture
Abstract. An urgency of a building complex investment is proved in the paper, the basic problems interfering with an attraction of the home and foreign capital are stated, and priority directions of the investment activity development at the building enterprises in Ukraine are given. The main actions of the investment development of Kiev are disclosed. The role of the state in the investment policy harmonization at a regional level is determined. There are also considered the basic and potential investors in the Ukrainian construction. Features of the investment process in the building sphere are shown on the example of Kiev that is the center of speeding the investment processes in Ukraine.
Key words: construction, investment climate, investment activity

T.M. Savel’yeva, V. Medvid’
Theoretical aspects of divestment 
Donbas National Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture
Abstract. The urgency of a research theme is first of all conditioned by an increase of divestment operations in Ukraine. The purpose of the research is a generalization of different methodological approaches (both home and foreign practice) of defining the category divestment, disclosing historical tendencies of the divestment process on the USA example. Keeping the purpose in mind, there are solved the following problems: definition of the divestment category, historical tendencies, and the reasons of divestment; consideration of divestment kinds and determination of their influence on shareholders’ wealth; a step-by-step study of the methods of carrying out the divestment process. Theoretical and methodological basis of studying the given question are the normative and legislative acts regulating the divestment questions in Ukraine, as well as the educational and scientific literature, the works of the Ukrainian and foreign authors. The divestment problems were considered by many foreign scientists, in particular Gohan, Patrick А., Guiyar Fransis G. Among the Russian authors we should mention  I.N. Bogataya, I.G. Kukurina, and others.
Key words: divestment, capital splitting, sales, spinning-off, voluntary liquidation and abolishment.